Sunday, January 10, 2016 want to be an Eastern Star?

In general, membership in the Order is restricted to men who are already Masons and their female relatives, however sometimes membership opens to open enrollment, but that depends upon the jurisdiction in the state for which you are seeking membership. 

Other membership Requirements:
Must be at least 18 years old. 
Must believe in a supreme being.

Talk to a current member. If you meet the qualifications described above, you may apply to join OES. The easiest way to do this may be to talk to a friend or relative who is already a member. This person will most likely be familiar with your local chapter's entry requirements and can give you the advice necessary to make an informed decision about applying for membership.
  • Additionally, this person can serve as an important character reference. Because members of Masonic organizations (including OES) are required to have good reputations, the word of someone who's already a member can go quite far towards improving your chances of entry.

1 comment:

  1. Does Florida have open enrollment? How do I find that info out?
